Are you facing issues related to lack of desire, changes in sexual responsiveness, orgasm, and erections?
Your ideals and yes, even your memories of what sex should be get in the way of being present to pleasure and intimate connection.
Comparing whatever is happening in the present to past experiences definitely gets in the way of sexual fulfillment.
Intimate pleasure doesn’t depend on your age, shape, physical limitations, sexual preferences, or past history.
Intimacy is the key to great sex in long term committed relationships.
Intimacy and pleasure evolve and change over time. The best sex happens when we are fully present to what is happening right now.
We will show you how to reinvent your love life and enjoy the blissful pleasure of deep sexual intimacy.
You’ll learn to:
Communicate easily
Deepen intimacy
Rediscover desire
Have a fulfilling sexual relationship at any age
Address sexual style differences
Become more orgasmic
Be present and embodied
Reignite passion
Talk about turn on and fantasies
Rebuild trust
Transform issues related to shame, trauma and abuse
Access blissful and ecstatic states
Get clear about agreements and boundaries
Talk about issues and agreements related to monogamy, and open relationships
The wide range of our research and experience enables us to assist people bridge the span from simply good enough sexual intimacy to extraordinary, sometimes transcendent, deeply connected, intimacy and pleasure.